Group of Companies

Restructuring took place during 2008 whereby Clientèle Limited became the new JSE holding company of the Clientèle Group. The rationale was to increase the flexibility of the Clientèle Group of companies to introduce complementary product offerings beyond its traditional life assurance products.

The following companies form part of Clientèle Limited. Clientèle Limited is a licensed controlling company of the Clientèle Insurance Group.

Clientèle Life Assurance Company Limited (Clientèle Life)

  • Distributes Life insurance, Health Insurance and Dread Disease Cover
  • IFA (Independent Field Advertisers)
  • Network Marketing division of Clientèle Life
  • Clientèle Investments is a division of Clientèle Life
  • Clientèle Properties East, North and South are wholly owned subsidiaries of Clientèle Life

Clientèle General Insurance Limited (Clientèle General)

  • Provides Legal cover with professional legal services covering civil, criminal and labour-related matters
  • Clientèle Legal is a division of Clientèle General