Your December could be on us!
Congratulations to all policyholders who qualified for December is on us in 2024! Over R100 Million in December premiums have been paid on behalf of our loyal clients plus they have shared in over R100 Million in prizes*, savings and discounts. That’s over R200 Million in shared value! Clients who DebiChecked their debit orders & paid all of their premiums enjoyed their December savings! You could be next, simply DebiCheck and pay all of your premiums and December could be on us!
Do new clients qualify for December is on us?
Once you reach Tier 4, your December premium will be paid by Clientèle if you meet the requirements – simply DebiCheck and pay all of your premiums. Make sure that you qualify to get extra cash to enjoy with your family in December (applicable to Clientèle Funeral, Legal and Health policies for Tiers 4 and 5).*
If you haven’t yet DebiChecked your debit order, DebiCheck today to access Clientèle Royalty and your December could be on us.
What is DebiCheck?
DebiCheck is a new debit order system mandated by the South African Reserve Bank and implemented by the banking industry across South Africa. As a responsible and authorised financial services provider Clientèle supports this initiative. DebiCheck brings back the trust and allows you to electronically approve debit orders processed against your bank account to ensure that the debit order is in line with your agreed contract so you continue to enjoy peace of mind.
For more details, view the full Terms and Conditions here.
*Terms and Conditions apply.