
Clientèle Funeral Dignity Plan

Clientèle is proud to announce the launch of theClientèle Funeral Dignity Plan. It aims to give people’s lives and memories a lasting dignity, by providing them with valuable funeral cover. The plan combines new features with some well-loved classicClientèle features.

The Funeral Plan offers affordable and valuable funeral cover form the name South Africans trust.

The 24 hour guaranteed payout feature is a market differentiator and the plans offers R200 free airtime at time of claim.

Most exciting, is the re-enforcement of Clientèle’s traditional family values. TheClientèle Funeral Dignity Plan offers a Family cover benefit of more than R50 000 cover for less than R1 per person a day.

Desmond Dube,Clientèle brand ambassador; features in theClientèle Funeral Dignity Plan advert had this to say:“I like the ad. It is straightforward and to the point. And it is an important product. In the unfortunate event of death, your family should not have to worry about the cost of the funeral arrangements.Clientèle is there to help.”