Complaints Procedures

1. Contact us by phone on 011 320 3000, fax 011 320 3133 or e-mail (for Life, Funeral and Health policy complaints) or (for Legal policy complaints). Our consultants will attempt to resolve your concern immediately. To ensure that your complaint can be attended to as soon as possible, please include your policy or ID number in all correspondence. Where a query cannot be resolved, a complaint will be logged and assigned to the relevant department for investigation. You will receive an SMS with your complaint reference number.
2. a. Any general service related complaints will be attended to by the Client Services Department, who will provide you with feedback within two business days;
b. Where a complaint relates to the manner in which the policy was sold, the complaint will be referred to the Market Conduct Department for investigation. They will investigate the sale (which could include assessing the recording of the sales call or reviewing a copy of the policy application) and provide you with the outcome of their findings within five to ten business days, depending on the investigation type;
c. If your complaint relates to any process or service relating to your legal claim, the Legal Claims Department will investigate your complaint and provide you with feedback within two business days;
d. If your complaint relates to any process or service relating to your life claim, the Life Claims Department will investigate your complaint and provide you with feedback within two business days.
3. To ensure that we are able to resolve any complaint in a manner that enhances client satisfaction, we also have an Independent Arbitrator whose role it is to review any complaint and the manner in which it was resolved. As such, if you are dissatisfied with the outcome of your complaint, or the manner in which it was resolved, you may refer the complaint to the Independent Arbitrator for review.
The Independent Arbitrator’s office can be contacted by e-mail at or by fax on 086 715 6176. All complaints must be in writing and clearly set out the reason for the complaint.The office of the Independent Arbitrator will revert with a determination within 15 business days.
Although you can contact the office of the Independent Arbitrator directly with a complaint. Where a complaint has not been dealt with by the Company, the Independent Arbitrator will refer the complaint to the Company first for a resolution.
4. In the unlikely event that you are unsatisfied with the ruling of the Independent Arbitrator, a complaint may be referred to the Office of the FAIS Ombud, whose contact details are as follow:
Tel: (012) 762 5000
Physical Address: Sussex Office Park, Ground Floor, Block B, 473 Lynnwood Road Cnr Lynwood Road & Sussex Ave, Lynnwood, 0081
A complaint may be sent to the Office of the FAIS Ombud at any time, even before referring it to us.
Clientèle Life and Clientèle Legal are also members of the National Financial Ombud Scheme South Africa NPC (the NFO). Should you not be satisfied with any determination made by the Company on any Life and/or Legal Policy related matter, you may also direct a complaint to the Ombudsman at You can e-mail your complaint to or contact them on 0860 800 900.